LEJOG Day 15 Riding from Edinburgh to Perth via the Scary Forth Road Bridge

47 Miles Cycled
3033 ft of Climbing

The night in Edinburgh was superb, long gone were the concerns about the Pod Hostel, it was a great place to stay in a great location. my first job was to source some new gloves as the ones I had worn since Lands End were grubby and falling apart. 

Bike and Forth Rail Bridge
Forth Rail Bridge

I packed my clean washing away and headed across Edinburgh to pick up my route. I then headed West in search of a bike shop. I found The Bike Smith close to Edinburgh Haymarket Station and purchased some gloves. At £15 for a pair of fingerless gloves I thought was steep but it did get me on my way again. 

From here I soon picked up NCN Route 1 again and headed along the Roseburn Path, another one of Edinburgh’s fantastic cycle trails. This then turned in to the Blackhall Path and then on to some quiet roads as I cycled out of the Edinburgh. 

I was soon approaching Queensferry and the Forth Road Bridge, the high bridge supports dominating the skyline. I stopped momentarily to speak with two cyclists who were headed out for a cycle then lunch, they were keen to heat my story. 

I also stopped for a time at the viewing area at the South side of the bridge to take photos and mingle with the other tourists. The East pathway was closed so I had to make my way through the tunnel to get to the West side which was tricky. I then set off across the bridge. 

Cycling over the Forth Road Bridge 

The Forth Road Bridge is now closed to most traffic so in theory it should offer a relatively quiet crossing of the Firth of Forth. As you set off across the bridge all seem calm however, I found that as the middle section of the bridge looms closely I found it rather exposed. Yes, there was little traffic however as the odd bus roared past the bridge shook. The bared handrail gave views of the water below which brought on a bit of vertigo. I did stop for photos in the middle but I was soon on my way and could not wait to get off the bridge. While a little scary, riding over the Forth Road Bridge was an experience I would never forget. 

Forth Road Bridge Cycle Path
Forth Road Bridge Cycle Path

I was now heading for Perth after crossing another milestone on my journey. From the bridge the route steadily climbed through Inverleathing and eventually on to the outskirts of Dunfirmline. The climbing came to an end at a place names Kingseat. Loch Fitty could be seen in the distance, then Loch Ore and then Loch Leven. Following quite roads I eventually got to Glenfarg where my decent in towards the city of Perth started. 

As I cycled along, I noticed a man wearing a Newcastle United shirt, my team. I promptly shouted nice shirt at him although I don’t think he got what I was talking about and replied hello! It tickled me that there was a fellow member of the Toon Army mowing his lawn in the Scottish countryside. 

I crossed the river at the Bridge of Earn and I was soon on the outskirts of Perth 

Welcome to Perth

I approached Perth along the river, crossed the bridge and headed to my accommodation for the evening. Due to the shorter day, I arrived at the The Auld Manse Guest  House early which meant I could get a bath and relax for a couple of hours before I walked the short distance in to Perth. 

One thing that did strike me in Perth at how quiet it was, an almost ghost town. A large city in Scotland yet the bars and restaurants within the city were lifeless and uninspiring. 

LEJOG Day 16 Perth to Dalwhinnie